Support the crowdfunder and make the Climate March on the Zuidas huge!

Friday, May 31st, it's happening: the climate march on the Zuidas! Because while the climate crisis now threatens everything we hold dear, large companies continue to finance and facilitate projects that cause significant harm to nature, environment, and people. This must stop.

The most recent climate reports are unequivocal: the climate is changing much faster than expected. Droughts, heatwaves, and floods are already causing victims, chaos, and destruction. Major polluters are primarily responsible for this development. They make money at the expense of the health and safety of societies worldwide. This exploitation of nature often goes hand in hand with the exploitation of workers. Shareholders of big polluting companies are getting richer, while workers can no longer make ends meet, and our future is under pressure due to the climate crisis. It's time for a government that places the interest of people above the interest of profit.

That's why this protest is incredibly important. With your donation, we make the march safer and more inclusive! Think of security guards, wheelchair-accessible toilets, and other facilities. So help us make this protest a success. Every contribution, large or small, is welcome!

For more information about the march, visit


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03-06-2024 | 13:39